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created 1994

Baton Twirling with an Oldies Theme
Rockola is a popular fifties-style jukebox and the inspiration behind the '50s theme that the group has embodied since its start. Both the uniforms the twirlers wear and the music they twirl to reflect the era and the twirlers march in parades to nostalgic rhythms coming from a 1948 panel truck.
Twist and Shout - Eisley Brothers
WTA Contest Performance: Feb 23rd, Perry, OH, 9am - 2pm
Great Lakes Mall Kid Show: March 22nd, 2025, performance 12:30pm
report time 12pm
TU Contest Performance: May 31st, Perry, OH, 8am - 2pm
Spring Recital: June 3rd, Mentor Christian School (8600 Lakeshore, Mentor) Performance @ 6:45 pm (report time 6:20pm)
4th of July Parade: July 4th, Mentor Headlands (more info later!) Stepoff @ 12:00 pm (report time 11:30am)
Cityfest Parade: Aug, Shore Middle School Stepoff @ 10:00 pm (report time 9:30am)
Carnival: August, Mentor Beach Park (6:45pm)
Holiday Banquet: Decmber, 2025, evening

We march in parades throughout Lake County wearing our poodle skirts and twirling to TWIST AND SHOUT by the Eisley Brothers.

All twirlers are able to join performance teams with their new-found friends. These small teams perform their routines at local events and recitals.

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